DMO & Associates

Enterprise Risk Management

Today’s risks are different.

Organisations create value by taking risks and lose value by failing to manage them. 

Effective Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is about ensuring that the organisation knows what risks it is taking, that these are the right ones and that they are appropriately managed. At DMO and Associates, CPA, we equip our clients with the knowledge, techniques, and solutions to anticipate and respond to critical challenges. We understand that firms need to be able to seize new opportunities in a quick and nimble fashion. This is why we build tailored risk management frameworks, systems and controls that are the right fit for our clients to steer them towards future success.

We work with our clients to identify major risk exposures and evaluate their relative significance to predict the total risk profile of the enterprise. This includes financial, infrastructure, marketplace and reputational risks.

At DMO and Associates CPA, our approach is to support our clients with the development and embedding of ERM practices. We seek to do this in a number of ways:

We catalogue risks, their origins, and potential impacts across an organization’s departments or operations, determining both the severity and likelihood of these risks happening within a set timeframe. By identifying the main controls already in use to lessen these risks, we evaluate how effective these controls are. This process enhances the organization’s understanding of its principal risks, the strength of its risk reduction measures, and where its assurances come from.
Our support spans the breadth of establishing an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program, encompassing risk evaluation, training, the introduction of new reporting procedures, and enhancements to the control environment.

We offer advice to the leader of a company’s ERM department on integrating ERM systematically throughout the organization.

When you work with DMO and Associates, CPA, we will help you:

  • Configure your risk management function and processes for a sustainable risk management programme.
  • Identify and map major risk.
  • Assess your organisation’s risk capabilities.
  • Support in the choice of a governance, risk and compliance tool.

Today’s boards are faced with more scrutiny than ever before. A higher set of expectations from all stakeholders has created a new paradigm for boards to assess and manage on an ongoing basis.

DMO and Associates, CPA provides world-class corporate governance solutions. Since well-governed organisations perform better all round including on the bottom line, having DMO and Associates, CPA as your corporate governance partner is essential for every organisation.

We work with executives, boards and company secretaries to apply practical and fit for-purpose corporate governance solutions in line with Ugandan legislation, corporate governance code and international standard such as ISO 37000 Governance of Organizations.

Our governance expertise, coupled with our knowledge of investors and corporate reporting expectations, as well as our mastery of shareholder transaction mechanics, are core capabilities that add value to all of DMO and Associates, CPA’s services.

Our Corporate Governance Advisory Services cover board and organizational governance, strategic governance advice from a shareholder and proxy perspective, and public policy and regulation.

Through an all-encompassing suite of advisory services, DMO and Associates, CPA helps companies and boards to: 

  • Be Proactive and Strategic: Assess vulnerabilities before threats happen and build assessments and reviews into the wider strategic business planning process.
  • Comprehend and Communicate: Evaluate the landscape of investors’ perspectives, activist targeting, and regulators’ demands, and use communication tools to their fullest effect.
  • Engage and Disclose: Undertake a multi-year stakeholder engagement plan with clear metrics and goals.


DMO and Associates
Certified Public Accountant
Oscar Daniel Mwesigwa

Physical Address

4 Floor, Suite 411
BMK House
Plot 2, Wampewo Avenue
P.O.Box 7519, Kampala

Contact Info

Tel: +256704004258
Tel: +256774383278

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